L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
Page 387

L-force | PLC Designer
The Resources
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
The following action types (Possible actions) are supported (for a definition of a
message text see below):
Settings to be done in the corresponding dialog:
The alarm event will be
saved internally, in order to
be given out e.g.in a log-
file. Please regard: In this
case the log-file must be
defined in the
configuration of the alarm
group !
The settings are done in the Alarm group definition in the
Alarm saving dialog
A message text is sent to a
Printer: Select one of the printers defined on the local system;
Outputtext: Message text (see below) which should be
printed out
Please note that this function is not supported for Target-
Visualization !
Message: In the current visualization
of the alarm a message
window will be opened
showing the defined text.
Message: Message text to be displayed in the message
Please note that this function is not supported for Target-
Visualization !
An E-Mail containing the
defined message will be
From: E-Mail address of sender; To: E-Mail address of
recipient; Subject: any subject; Message: Message text (see
below); Server: Name of the E-Mail server
A variable of the PLC
Designer program will get
the alarm status resp. a
message text string.
Variable: Variable name: You can select project variables via
the input assistant (
alarm states NORM =0 and INTO=1, an integer variable will
indicate the alarm states NORM =0, INTO =1, ACK =2, OUTOF
=4; a string variable will get the message text defined in field;
Message (see below)
An executable file will be
started as soon as the
alarm event occurs.
Executable file: name of the file to be executed (e.g.
notepad.exe, you can use the "..." button to get the standard
dialog for selecting a file; Parameter: appropriate parameter(s)
which should be attached to the call of the exe-file