L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

The Individual Components

DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29


Tab-Width: In the field Tab-Width in the category Editor of the Options dialog box you
can determine the width of a tab as shown in the editors. The default setting is four
characters, whereby the character width depends upon the font which is chosen.

Font: By clicking on the button Font in the category Editor of the Options dialog box

you can choose the font in all PLC Designer editors. The font size is the basic unit for
all drawing operations. The choice of a larger font size thus enlarges the printout,
even with each editor of »PLC Designer«.

After you have entered the command, the font dialog box opens for choosing the font,
style and font size.

Dialog box for setting the font

Mark: When choosing Mark in the Editor category in the Options dialog box you can

choose whether the current selection in your graphic editors should be represented by
a dotted rectangle (Dotted), a rectangle with continuous lines (Line) or by a filled-in
rectangle (Filled). In the last case the selection is shown inverted.

Bitvalues: When choosing Bitvalues in the category Editor of the Options dialog box
you can choose whether binary data (type BYTE, WORD, DWORD) during monitoring
should be shown Decimal, Hexadecimal, or Binary.

Suppress monitoring of complex types (Array, Pointer, VAR_IN_OUT): If this option is
activated, complex data types like arrays, pointers, VAR_IN_OUTs will not get
displayed in the monitoring window in online mode.