Equipment, Framing – Enterasys Networks X-Pedition XSR CLI User Manual
Page 72
T1/E1 & T3/E3 Commands
2-66 Configuring T1/E1 and T3/E3 Subsystems
For T3/E3 controllers only
This command configures the T3/E3 controller as network or customer equipment and operates
according to the T1.403 ANSI standard, allowing equipment configured as network equipment to
disregard network loopback commands from the far‐end device.
equipment {customer | network} loopback
Syntax of the “no” Form
The no form of this command sets the equipment value to its default:
no equipment
Controller configuration:
Customer equipment
The following example sets the T3 controller in slot 1, card 2 as network equipment:
This command sets the T1/E1 or T3/E3 framing type. Framing must match between the circuit
provider and the T1/E1 or T3/E3 interface with the circuit provider determining which framing
type is required.
Framing type defines the type and format of the transmission frame for T1 or E1 lines. T1 lines
have two frame formats: SF (Super Frame, D4, F12) and ESF (Extended SF). E1 lines have these
frame formats: CRC4 (multiframe) and NO‐CRC4 (double frame).
For unchannelized T3 ports, the C‐bit framing format is available with M13 as an option. For both
channelized and unchannelized E3 ports, the G751 frame format is available. Also, the bypass
framing format specifies that the G.751 framing format will be bypassed.
Note: Since remote loopback requests are available only when C-bit framing is invoked for a T3
port, the equipment command is useful only when framing is set to C-bit.
Controller set as customer equipment. It allows a remotely activated (feac)
payload loop from the T3 line.
Controller set as network equipment. It disallows remotely activated (feac)
payload loop from the T3 line.