Show frame-relay pvc – Enterasys Networks X-Pedition XSR CLI User Manual
Page 431
Frame Relay Clear and Show Commands
XSR CLI Reference Guide 9-107
The following example displays a point‐to‐point Frame Relay map:
XSR#show frame-relay map
Frame Relay Map Statistics (Serial 2/0)
Serial 2/0.3 dlci 981 (0x3D5, 0xF450) Remote Addr. P2P,
gratuitous-inverse-arp, bootp, static ip
Parameter Descriptions
show frame-relay pvc
This command displays statistics about permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) on Frame Relay
interfaces. Statistics can be retrieved on specific Frame Relay interfaces by specifying the interface
or the DLCI. Statistics on all PVCs can be shown by omitting arguments in the command.
If the LMI status report shows a PVC is not active, it is marked inactive. A PVC is marked deleted
if it is not listed in a periodic LMI status message.
show frame-relay pvc [interface interface [dlci-num]]
Privileged EXEC:
Sample Output
XSR#show frame-relay pvc serial 2/0:1.1
Serial 2/0
Identifies a Frame Relay interface being displayed.
Serial 2/0.1
Identifies the specific sub‐interface that is associated with a DLCI.
dlci 981(0x3D5,0xF450) DLCI number displayed three ways: its decimal value, its hexadecimal value (0x3D5), and
its value as it appears on the wire (0xF450).
Remote Addr.
The remote peer IP address learned using Inverse ARP.
Remote Addr.
The node is waiting for Inverse ARP response to resolve un‐resolved the remote peerʹs IP
Remote Addr.P2P
This DLCI does not require Inverse ARP to resolve the remote peer’s IP address.
gratuitous Inverse‐arp
This DLCI will offer a free Inverse ARP to help the remote learn changes to the local
interface. The response from the remote is not used for address resolution.
This DLCI will respond to a broadcast bootp request originated from the adjacent peer.
The bootp response includes the static IP address configured on this DLCI.
static ip
This DLCI has been configured with a static IP address for the remote peer. Inverse arp
request will not be used to learn the remoteʹs address.
Interface or sub‐interface number containing the DLCI(s) for which you
wish to display PVC information.
DLCI number used on the interface. Statistics for the specified PVC are
displayed when a DLCI is also set.