Enterasys Networks X-Pedition XSR CLI User Manual
Page 313
BGP Set Commands
XSR CLI Reference Guide 6-117
The XSR penalizes a route marked as unstable with a value of 1024 each time it fails. If
penalties accrue beyond the suppress threshold you set, the route is no longer advertised.
The XSR permits suppressed routes to rejoin the BGP routing table when their penalties drop
below the threshold.
After a route assumes a penalty, the XSR cuts the penalty in half each time a half‐life interval
you configure elapses.
When penalties drop below the configurable reuse value, the XSR frees the route, re‐inserting
it into the BGP routing table.
The XSR does not suppress routes indefinitely. You can set the max‐suppress value and fix the
maximum period a route can be suppressed before it is advertised again.
set dampening half-life | reuse | suppress | suppress-max
Syntax of the “no” Form
The no form of this command removes route dampening:
no set dampening
Route‐map configuration:
Half‐life: 15 minutes
Reuse: 750 seconds
Suppress: 2000
Suppress‐max: 60 minutes ‐ four times the half‐life value.
This example displays the use of the set dampening for IP prefix for BGP process 100:
XSR(config)#ip access-list 10 permit
XSR(config)#route-map 1 permit 1
XSR(config-route-map)#match ip address 10
XSR(config-route-map)#set 30 1500 10000 120
Interval after which the route’s penalty becomes half its value, ranging from 1
to 45 minutes.
Specifies how low a route’s penalty must become before the route becomes
eligible for use again after being suppressed, ranging from 1 to 20,000 seconds.
Specifies how high a route’s penalty must become before the route is
suppressed, ranging from 1 to 20,000.
Specifies that maximum interval in minutes that a route can be suppressed
regardless of how unstable it is, ranging from 1 to 20,000 minutes.