Ip community-list – Enterasys Networks X-Pedition XSR CLI User Manual
Page 302
BGP Configuration Commands
6-106 Configuring the Border Gateway Protocol
Syntax of the “no” Form
The no form of this command removes the configured filter list:
no ip as-path access-list access-list-number
Global configuration:
The following example configures the IP as‐path access‐list value in the context of configuring a
route map and performing a match using the
match as-path
The as‐path access list is 33, ends with a regular expression “.* 640 .*” and is referenced in the
match as‐path command, which in turn is configured inside of the route map 33. This means that a
match occurs if the as‐path variable in a BGP update message contains AS 640.
XSR(config)#ip as-path access-list 33 permit “.* 640 .*”
XSR(config)#route-map 33 permit 1
XSR(config-route-map)#match as-path 33
XSR(config-route-map)#set local-preference 300
ip community-list
This command defines a community list that filters on the BGP COMMUNITY attribute. The
community list you define typically is referenced by the
match community
command, which
includes a route map that implements routing policies based on community attributes. Multiple
community attributes can be configured for a particular community list.
ip community-list community-list-number {permit | deny} community-number
Instructs XSR to deny access to paths matching specified conditions.
Identifies an AS in the access list by means of the regular expression.
Note: Perform a clear ip bgp neighbor whenever this command is changed.
Community list number (standard), ranging from 1 to 199.
XSR permits access to community lists matching conditions you specifiy.
XSR denies access to community lists matching conditions. you specify.