Class-map commands, Class-map commands -101, Class‐map commands – Enterasys Networks X-Pedition XSR CLI User Manual
Page 497: Class-map commands class-map
Class-map Commands
XSR CLI Reference Guide 12-101
Class-map Commands
This command creates a class map for matching packets to a specified class. Use it to specify the
name of the class for which you want to create or modify class map match criteria.
Packets arriving at the output interface are checked against the match criteria set for a class map to
determine if the packet belongs to that class. Sub‐commands associated with the command are:
match access-group
‐ configures the match criteria for a class map on the basis of a
configured ACL. Go to
for the command definition.
match cos
‐ identifies a specific IEEE 802.1 priority value as a match criterion. Go to
match ip dscp
‐ identifies a specific IP Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) value as a
match criterion. Go to
for the command definition.
match ip precedence
‐ identifies IP precedence values as match criteria. Go to
for the command definition.
class-map {match-all match-any} class-map-name
Syntax of the “no” Form
Use the no form of this command to remove an existing class map:
no class-map [match-all] | [match-any] word
Global configuration:
Next Mode
Class‐Map configuration:
The following example creates class‐map class57 and defines its match criterion with policy map
policy99 which is configured to contain policy rules for class57 and the default class.
Packets must match all criteria in the class‐map to belong to the class‐name.
Packets must match any (one or more) criteria in the class map to belong to
the class‐name.
Designation for the class‐map which is used for the class map and to set
policy for the class in the policy map.