Parameter descriptions – Enterasys Networks X-Pedition XSR CLI User Manual

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Frame Relay Clear and Show Commands

9-104 Configuring Frame Relay

XSR(config)#show frame-relay fragment interface serial 2/0.1 960

Frame Relay End-to-End Fragmentation Detailed Statistics
Serial 2/0.1 DLCI = 960 Fragment Size = 53
Incoming Traffic Outgoing Traffic
Fragmented pkts

= 0

Fragmented pkts = 0

Fragmented bytes

= 0

Fragmented bytes = 0

Assembled pkts

= 0

Pre-fragmented pkts = 0

Assembled bytes

= 0

Pre-fragmented bytes = 0

Non-fragmented pkts

= 0

Non-fragmented pkts = 0

Non-fragmented bytes

= 0

Non-fragmented bytes = 0

Dropped Assembled pkts = 0

Interleaved pkts = 0

Pkt Sequence # Errors

= 0

Unexpected Begin Frag

= 0

Parameter Descriptions


The configured fragment size in bytes.

In/out fragmented pkts

Sum of frames received/sent by this DLCI that had a fragmentation header.

In/out fragmented bytes

Sum of bytes, including those in the Frame Relay bytes headers, that have been 
received/sent by this DLCI.

In/out un‐fragmented pkts

Sum of frames received/sent by this DLCI that do notrequire reassembly, and 
therefore do not contain the FRF.12 header. These counters can be incremented 
only when the end‐to‐end fragmentation type is set.

In/out un‐fragmented bytes

Sum of bytes received/sent by this DLCI that do not require reassembly, and sp do 
not contain the FRF.12 header.

In assembled pkts

Sum of fully reassembled frames received by this DLCI, including frames without 
a Frame Relay fragmentationheader (in un‐fragmented packets). This counter 
corresponds to frames viewed by upper‐layer protocols.

In assembled bytes

Sum of bytes in the fully reassembled frames received by this DLCI, including 
frames without a Frame Relay fragmentation header (in un‐fragmented bytes). 
This counter corresponds to the sum of bytes viewed byupper‐layer protocols.

In dropped reassembled pkts

Sum of fragments received by this DLCI that are dropped for reasons such as 
running out of memory, receiving segments out of sequence, receiving an 
unexpected frame with a B bit set, or timing out on a reassembling frame.

Pkt Sequence # Error

Sum of fragments received by this DLCI that have an fragments unexpected 
sequence number.

Unexpected BeginFrag

Sum of fragments received by this DLCI that have an unexpected B bit set 
unexpected B (Begin) bit set. When this occurs, all fragments being reassembled are 
dropped and a new frame is begun with this fragment.

out pre‐fragmented pkts

Sum of fully reassembled frames sent by this DLCI, including frames transmitted 
without a Frame Relay fragmentation header (out un‐fragmented pkts).

out dropped fragmenting pkts

Sum of fragments dropped by this DLCI during transmission because of running 
out of memory.

in out‐of‐sequence fragments

Sum of fragments received by this DLCI with an unexpected sequence number.