Reset unit print configuration – Verilink 9000 Series (34-00271) Product Manual User Manual

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Configuration / Operation


Reset Unit

A unit may be reset without downloading by using this field. When a only
configuration number is entered, the entire unit is reset. When a range is specified
in the Start and Stop fields, it works exactly as described above in Download

Print Configuration

Entering a configuration number here causes a print file to be created for that
configuration. During the course of the file creation, the user may be prompted for
additional information. If the file contains an X.25 port, the user is asked if the
channel list should be sorted by address or X.25 sub-address. This prompt appears
for each X.25 link in the configuration. When the file is complete, the user is
prompted if the print file should be sent to the printer. If answered with an N, the
file is left on disk and the program returns to the main menu. The file can then be
taken to another system for printing. If answered with a Y, another message
prompts for the correct port to access the printer. The selections are LPT1, LPT2,
LPT3, COM1, and COM2. If the DOS utility PRINT.COM is installed, the user is
not prompted for the printer port and the file is sent to the default printer. As with
the Download and Reset functions, a range of line modules may be selected for
printing. The range may consist of one or multiple, consecutive line modules.

TXPORT recommends installing PRINT.COM since this allows background printing
and the PC is not tied up while printing is in progress. It also allows multiple print files
to queue up.

The name of the print file created consists of the configuration number followed by the
extension .PRT. For example, if a print file was created for configuration 55, its print
file name is 55.PRT.