19 print overlaid curves, Print overlaid curves – Metrohm tiamo 2.2 (ProcessLab) User Manual
Page 348
4.5 Determination overview
tiamo 2.2 (ProcessLab)
Open the dialog window Curve overlay templates.
Graphics presentation
Shows the curves according to the settings of the selected template. The
command type (e.g. DET pH) is shown centrally above the graph. At the
right of the curve the legend is shown with the line number in the determi-
nation table belonging to the determination.
The legend consists of the content of a data field which can be defined in
the options of the template and of a counter, which identifies the curves if
the same command has been executed several times during a determination.
[Print (PDF)]
Open the dialog window Print curves (PDF) (see Chapter, page
332). The content of the curve overlay with legend can be shown as a PDF
file in the required format.
Print overlaid curves
Dialog window: Database
▶ Determinations ▶ Overlay curves... ▶ Overlay
▶ [Print (PDF)] ▶ Print curves (PDF)
With [Print (PDF)] in the dialog window Overlay curves the dialog win-
dow Print curves (PDF) is openend.
Portrait | Landscape
Default value
Produces overlaid curves in portrait format.
Produces overlaid curves in landscape format.
Possibility of entering comments on the overlaid curves which will be pro-
duced together with the overlaid curves.
1000 characters
Close dialog window. The overlaid curves are shown in the required format
as a PDF file and opened directly with the Acrobat Reader; it can then be
printed out and/or saved.