3 stepping motor - stepping motors – Metrohm tiamo 2.2 (ProcessLab) User Manual
Page 1225
5 Method
tiamo 2.2 (ProcessLab)
not defined
In this case, the device name must be assigned by the user at the start of
the method.
If the option not defined is selected, then no ports can be selected in
the Stepping motors tab, because it is not known to which device this
block refers.
If a method is generated independently of a device, then a device for the
editing of the block will nevertheless still need to be selected. One can
however afterwards set the device name back to not defined.
Device type
Display of the device type. If a device is selected under Device name, then
this Device type field can no longer be edited, and the device type belong-
ing to the selected device is displayed instead.
If the option not defined is selected as Device name, any device types or
device groups which are able to execute the command can be selected,
independently of the devices in the device table.
Stepping Motor Controller
Default value
Stepping Motor Controller
STEPPING MOTOR - Stepping motors
Tab: Method
▶ STEPPING MOTOR ▶ Stepping motors
The actuation of a stepping motor is parameterized in every line of the
Stepping motors table.
One port can not be used more than once within a block.
If a command block originates from a different device, the Port descrip-
tion of which does not exist on the currently selected device, then the
affected lines will be presented in red script.
Moves the selected line up.
Moves the selected line down.