G h i m – HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 769

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 731
scan files very quickly because of its structure in the database and because it uses a
multi-threaded process. More than one process can be used at a time to scan the files.
generic element
An element is considered to be generic if the management server can detect the
element but it cannot obtain additional information about the element during Get the
Topology or Discovery Data Collection.
global reporting
A global reporting view contains information in the database that can be used for
global reports.
Global Reporter
A management server that has global reporting enabled.
hard zone
A hard zone is created by assigning a domain/port to a zone. Any device attached to
the port is automatically in the zone.
host persistent
A system SCSI target ID assigned permanently to an element. The host binding is
implemented on the host bus adapter (HBA), resulting in the HBA being tied to a
certain LUN.
initiator WWN
The Worldwide Name (WWN) of a host bus adapter's port. The WWN differentiates
the port from others.
inode file
An inode file stores information about a file, excluding the file’s data.
Managed Application
Licenses (MALs)
Managed application licenses (MALs) are the number of detected instances of
Microsoft Exchange, Oracle, SQL Server, Caché, and Sybase Adaptive Server
managed object
A hardware or software system component that is represented as an instance of the
CIM class. Information about managed objects is supplied by data and event
providers, as well as by the CIM Object Manager.
Managed Access
Points (MAPs)
Manage access points (MAPs) are the sum of all storage access ports of all hardware
elements that the management server manages.
materialized view
A materialized view is a snapshot of data, from the database, created from a query.