Resetting the temp and undo tablespace, Restarting the database, Clearing archives – HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 277: Restoring a cold backup
HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 239
c. Type the password of the SYSTEM account. Then, click OK. The default password of the
SYSTEM account is the following: manager
You are notified when the re-initialization is complete.
d. Click the Re-initialize Database button.
Install the HP SIM Connector, as described in the Installation Guide.
Ensure that the service for HP SIM is still running and then start AppStorManager.
Resetting the Temp and Undo Tablespace
The temporary and undo tablespace may grow large due to high database activity. You should
regularly reset the temp and undo tablespace to its initial value, as described in this section.
To reset the tablespace:
Access the Database Admin Utility as described in ”
Accessing the Database Admin Utility
Click Reset Temp Tablespace in the left pane.
Enter the SYS password in the SYS Password box.
Click Reset Temp Tablespace.
Restarting the Database
You may sometimes need to restart the AppIQ instance of the database. Use this feature in the
Database Admin Utility when the database is down or when you need to shutdown and restart the
To restart the database:
Access the Database Admin Utility as described in ”
Accessing the Database Admin Utility
Click Restart Database Server in the left pane.
Enter the SYS password in the SYS Password box.
Click Restart Database Server.
Clearing Archives
Archive files can require large amounts of disk space and should be deleted periodically. Use the
Clear Archive option to manage the disk space used by the Oracle database for the management
server. Follow these steps:
Access the Database Admin Utility as described in ”
Accessing the Database Admin Utility
Enter the password for the SYS user account and click Clear Archives in the left pane.
The archives are deleted.
Restoring a Cold Backup
If you performed an RMAN cold backup, follow the steps in this section to restore the RMAN cold
backup. You can only perform a cold backup if you selected Disable Database Archive Mode and