HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 142

Discovering Applications, Backup Hosts and Hosts
You are prompted for the password for this user account when you run the script.
In a new command window, run the CreateSQLServerActCustomPwd.bat script on the
computer with the SQL Server database.
You can use a remote SQL Server isql to run this script.
The script prompts you for the name of the SQL Server on which to create the appiq_user
account. If you are creating the account on a default instance, enter the host name if the
instance is non-clustered and the SQLNetwork Name if the instance is clustered. If you are
creating the account on a named instance, enter the host name and the instance name as
For a non-clustered instance:
For a clustered instance:
The script prompts you for the password for the appiq_user account. Provide a password that
meets the password policy criteria described in ”
Creating Custom Passwords on Managed
The script prompts you for the SA user password. Enter the password.
The appiq_user account is created.
To determine if appiq_user was added correctly to your SQL server:
a. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
b. Expand the user interface for SQL Server Management Studio, and then expand the specific
SQL Server and select Security.
c. Double-click Logins and view the list of users authorized to access the SQL Server.
d. Click the Refresh button in SQL Server Management Studio. If the appiq_user is not listed, the
management server is not able to discover the database.
To determine if the SQL Server is ready to accept connections from the management server:
a. Connect to the SQL Server installation through SQL Server Management Studio using the
appiq_user account and the password specified earlier.
b. Create a sample ODBC datasource for the SQL Server installation using the appiq_user
c. Click the Test button to test the datasource.
Repeat these steps for each Microsoft SQL Server 2005 instance you want to manage.
Step B — Provide the Microsoft SQL Server Name and Port Number
The server name for the Microsoft SQL Server and port number for managing a SQL database must
be provided in the following steps: