Changing the clariion event polling interval, Brocade events – HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 378

Event Management
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Changing the CLARiiON Event Polling Interval
You can change how frequently the management server polls the CLARiiON storage systems by
modifying the cimom.ClariionEventPollInterval property. You may want to change this
interval if you are receiving too many “information” messages from the CLARiiON storage system.
Do not set a very long time interval. The management server does not become
aware of events occurring on CLARiiON storage system until it polls the storage system. For
example, if you set the polling interval to every two days, a serious issue could occur on the first
day, but you would not know about it until the second day because you set such a long time.
To change the polling interval:
Select Options > Storage Essentials > Manage Product Health, and then click Advanced in the
Disk Space tree.
Click Show Default Properties at the bottom of the page.
Copy the cimom.ClariionEventPollInterval property. How you copy the text depends
on your Web browser. If you are using Microsoft Explorer or Netscape Navigator, select the text,
right-click the selected text, and then select Copy.
Repeat step 1 to return to the Advanced page.
Paste the copied text into the Custom Properties box. How you paste the text depends on your
Web browser. If you are using Microsoft Explorer or Netscape Navigator, right-click the box and
select Paste.
Make your changes in the Custom Properties box. Remove the hash (#) symbol in front of the
property to make sure the property is not commented out.
Change the value assigned to the cimom.ClariionEventPollInterval property. Note
that the value is in milliseconds. In the example below, the polling interval is set to 5 minutes.
When you are done, click Save.
Important: While the AppStorManager service is stopped, the following occurs:
Users are not be able to access the management server.
The management server is unable to monitor elements at this time.
Brocade Events
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