HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 134

Discovering Applications, Backup Hosts and Hosts
Install the CIM extension on each node in the cluster.
Create the APPIQ_USER account for the Oracle application from that node in the cluster in
which it is currently running. See ”
Step A — Create the APPIQ_USER Account for Oracle
Click Discovery > Setup, and discover the host for the first node by clicking the Add Address
button and providing the appropriate information for discovering the host, as described in
Adding an IP Range for Scanning
” on page 30.
a. Discover the first Oracle node as follows: Select Discovery > Setup, and click the
Applications tab.
b. Click the Create button for the Database Information table.
c. In the Host IP/DNS Name box, enter the IP address of any one of the hosts in the cluster
configured to handle the single instance Oracle failover in the application setup information.
Be sure that the host with this IP address will be discovered in the management server.
d. Enter the management IP for the single instance fail over Oracle application. Please note that
the management IP configured for the single instance Oracle fail over cluster is dependent on
underlying host cluster software.
e. In the Server Name box, enter the Oracle System Identifier (SID) of the Oracle database you
want to monitor.
f. In the Port Number box, enter the monitored port.
If you are not sure of the monitored port, check the listener.ora file of the monitored
database application. You can find the listener.ora file in the following directory on the host
of the monitored database. Do not look for the listener.ora file on the management server for
this information.
Unix Platforms:
The port can be found in the following code:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
g. Select ORACLE from the Database Type menu.
h. Select the check box Discover as failover cluster for discovering the Oracle failover cluster.
i. Click OK.