Removing the appiq_user account for oracle – HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
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You can use a remote Oracle client to run this script.
Specify the Oracle instance name, which must be visible to the client, as the first input when
running the script. The script prompts you for the name of the Oracle instance on which to create
the user for Oracle management packages and the password of the SYS account.
You are asked to specify the default and temporary tablespaces for APPIQ_USER during the
installation. You can enter users as default and temp as temporary if these tablespaces exist in
the Oracle Instance.
Repeat the previous step for each Oracle instance you want to manage.
This script does the following in order:
• Creates the APPIQ_USER account.
• Grants create session and select on dictionary tables privileges to APPIQ_USER, enabling the
management server to view statistics for the Oracle instances.
Removing the APPIQ_USER Account for Oracle
If you no longer want the management server to monitor an Oracle instance, you can remove the
APPIQ_USER account for that Oracle instance by running the UninstallOracleAct.bat script
(on Windows) or script (on UNIX platforms) or RMACCT.COM (on
Keep in mind the following:
Before you remove the APPIQ_USER account for an Oracle instance, make sure no processes are
running APPIQ_USER for that Oracle instance. The management server uses APPIQ_USER to
obtain information about the Oracle database. For example, a process would be using
APPIQ_USER if someone was using Performance Manager to view monitoring statistics about
that Oracle instance.
If you receive a message about not being able to drop a user that is currently connected while
you are removing the APPIQ_USER account for Oracle, re-run the script for removing
When removing the APPIQ_USER account from an Oracle RAC Database, this script should be
run only once, on any one of the instances of the Oracle RAC Database. Since all the instances
of an Oracle RAC access the same Database, it is sufficient to remove the APPIQ_USER account
from any one of the instances.
To remove the APPIQ_USER account for that Oracle instance:
If you plan to remove the management software for Oracle from a UNIX platform, do the
a. Log into an account that has administrative privileges.
b. Mount the CIM Extensions CD-ROM (if not auto-mounted).
c. Go to the /DBIQ/oracle/unix directory by typing the following:
# cd /cdrom/DBIQ/oracle/unix
where /cdrom is the name of the directory where you mounted the CD-ROM.