HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 148

Discovering Applications, Backup Hosts and Hosts
To create the APPIQ_USER with a custom password, run
. For more information, see ”
Keep in mind the following:
The script must run under SA user.
Obtain the Sybase server name before you run the script
Create APPIQ_USER account on Sybase Database you want to monitor.
You should have already installed the database for the management server.
Make sure you have all the necessary information before you begin the installation. Read
through the following steps before you begin.
To create the APPIQ_USER account for the Sybase server:
Do one of the following:
• To run the script on IBM AIX, SGI IRIX, or Sun Solaris, log into an account that has
administrative privileges, mount the CIM Extensions CD-ROM (if not auto-mounted), and go
to the /DBIQ/sybase/unix directory by typing the following:
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/DBIQ/sybase/unix
where /cdrom/cdrom0 is the name of the CD-ROM drive
• To run the script on Microsoft Windows, go to the \DBIQ\sybase\win directory on the CIM
Extensions CD-ROM.
You must complete the following steps.
Verify you have the password to the SA user account.
You are prompted for the password for this user account when you run the script.
Run the CreateSybaseAct.bat script on the computer with the Sybase database.
The script creates a user with login to master and select privilege on data dictionary tables on a
managed Sybase instance.
You can use a remote Sybase isql to run this script.
Enter the Sybase instance name, which must be visible to the client, as the first input when
running the script. The script prompts you for the name of the sybase server on which to create
user for Sybase management packages and the password of the SA account.
Repeat the previous step for each Sybase server you want to manage.
This script does the following in order:
• Creates the APPIQ_USER account.
• Grant create session and select on dictionary tables privileges to APPIQ_USER enabling
management server to view statistics for the Sybase server.