Discovering applications, backup hosts and hosts, 3 discovering applications, backup hosts and hosts, Discovering applications, backup hosts and – HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 121: Hosts, Discovering, Applications, backup hosts and hosts, Step 1 — discovering your hosts and backup manager, Step 1 — discovering your hosts and backup, Manager hosts, 3discovering applications, backup hosts and hosts

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide
Discovering Applications, Backup Hosts and Hosts
HP Storage Essentials Standard Edition supports a subset of the devices supported by Enterprise
Edition. See the HP Storage Essentials Standard Edition Support Matrix for a list of supported
devices. The support matrix is accessible from the Documentation Center (Help > Documentation
Center in Storage Essentials).
This chapter describes the following:
• Step 1 — Discovering Your Hosts and Backup Manager Hosts
• Step 2 — Setting Up Discovery for Applications
• Step 3 — Discovering Applications
• Changing the Oracle TNS Listener Port
• Changing the Password for the Managed Database Account
Step 1 — Discovering Your Hosts and Backup Manager Hosts
Before you can discover your applications, you must discover their hosts. You discover hosts in the
same way you discovered your switches and storage systems. You provide the host’s IP address, user
name and password. The user name and password must have administrative privileges. Unlike
switches and storage systems, you must have installed a CIM extension on the host if you want to
obtain detailed information about the host and its applications, including those applications for
backup. See the support matrix for your edition for information about which backup applications the
management server supports.
For information about discovering clustered hosts, see ”
Host and Application Clustering
page 129.
The management server also detects the backup applications its supports, such as Veritas
NetBackup or HP Data Protector. If you are licensed for Backup Manager and you want to manage
and monitor your backup applications, select Include backup details when you run Discovery Data
Collection, as described in ”
Step B — Discovery Data Collection
Keep in mind the following:
Elements discovered through SMI-S and hosts discovered with CIM extensions from Build 5.1
and later of HP Storage Essentials cannot be added to discovery groups. These elements are
listed separately and can be placed independently into scheduled Discovery Data Collection
tasks without being part of a discovery group. This allows you greater flexibility when gathering
discovery data. (For more information, see ”
Creating Custom Discovery Lists
If you are upgrading from a previous build of the product, and you rediscover your hosts, they
will be moved out of their existing discovery groups. Each rediscovered host would be placed in
its own discovery group. If the original discovery groups containing these hosts were included in
scheduled Discovery Data Collection tasks, the schedules would be modified to contain the new
discovery groups for rediscovered hosts.
After installing the CIM extension on a DataProtector system on Windows, check the Logon
account for the DataProtector CRS service and verify that it matches the AppStorWin32Agent