Do not run overlapping discovery schedules, Troubleshooting topology issues, This storage system uses unsupported firmware – HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 747: Managementclassname: class_name" message, Do not, Run overlapping discovery schedules, Message

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide 709
set a TNS listener password, the software is not able to discover the Oracle instances serviced
by the listener.
Do Not Run Overlapping Discovery Schedules
If you are creating multiple discovery schedules, care must be taken to avoid scheduling
conflicts—concurrently scheduled Discovery tasks—and that each scheduled task has enough time
to start and finish before the next Discovery task is scheduled to start. For example, if a scheduled
Discovery is still in progress when another scheduled Discovery attempts to start, the Discovery task
that attempts to start will not start, because the first discovery is still running. The discovery that is
unable to start is rescheduled according to its recurring rule. If the discovery task is scheduled to run
on a daily basis, for example, then the discovery will start again on the next day. To check the status
of scheduled discovery tasks, view the appstorm.
"This storage system uses unsupported firmware.
ManagementClassName: class_name" Message
The following message is displayed when an LSI storage system is discovered, and is running
unsupported firmware:
This storage system uses unsupported firmware. ManagementClassName:
is the management class name for the unsupported array.
The management class name for the unsupported array is displayed in the message.
New releases of storage system firmware are supported with each new release of this software. See
the support matrix for your edition for the latest information on supported firmware.
Troubleshooting Topology Issues
This section contains the following topics:
• Undiscovered Hosts Display as Storage Systems
• Solaris Machines Appear to Have Extra QLogic HBAs
• No Stitching for Brocade Switches with Firmware 3.2.0
• Link Between a Brocade Switch and a Host Disappears from the Topology
• Incorrect Topology Sometimes Displayed for CNT Switches
• Unable to See Path Information
• Device Locking Mechanism for Brocade Element Manager Query/Reconfiguration
• A Discovered Sun StorEdge A5000 JBOD Does Not Display Its WWN Properly
Sun 6920 Storage Systems: “ReplicatorSQLException: Database create error” During Discovery
Mirrored Volumes Cannot Be Provisioned on Sun 6920 Storage Systems