HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual

Page 724

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Increasing the time-out for the HP SIM Connector

, page 689

Storage Essentials Menus Are Not Shown in HP SIM

, page 690

NoSuchElement Error

, page 690

Difficulty Displaying Storage Essentials Pages After Generating a Custom Certificate

, page 690

Troubleshooting the Oracle Database (Windows)

, page 690

If Your Installation or Upgrade Failed, Capture the Logs

(Windows management servers only) You can quickly gather system information and log files for

troubleshooting by running the srmCapture.cmd program in installation directory>/tools



The srmCapture.cmd program requires that zip.exe is in the same folder as


If you are missing zip.exe, you can find it in the tools directory of the

management server CD.

The following information is gathered by srmCapture.cmd:

List of environment variables, look for file srmListEnvVar.txt.

Results from running ipconfig /all, look for file srmListIpconfigAll.txt.

Results from running netstat -noab, look for file srmListNetstatNoab.txt.

Results from running netstat -rte, look for file srmListNetstatRte.txt.

Results from running netsh diag show test, look for file


Install wizard log files (all files are found in %systemdrive%\srmInstallLogs).



Oracle export log file.

File SRM log files.

File SRM configuration files.

HP SIM install log file

Oracle log files

Zero G registry content

If you see a message resembling the following, “Current location, d:\Tools, is not

,” the current working subdirectory is not writable. The srmCapture.cmd program will

go through the following directories in order until it finds one that is writeable:







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