Background buttons table, Operation – Grass Valley Maestro Master Control v.2.4.0 User Manual

Page 438

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MAESTRO User Manual


Emergency Alert System Switching

Background Buttons Table

The EAS video and audio sources must be assigned to a Maestro keyer and
mixer respectively. For automatic EAS operation, these assignments must
be permanent.

In the example described above, the EAS video is wired to the “Key Fill 4”
input; this connection is described in the Input table. The EAS receiver
trigger is wired to GPI port 1, which is associated with “Keyer 8” on the
GPIO table. Therefore the Background Button table is used to configure
Button “Keyer 8” with a Purpose of “Fixed Assignment.” The Default
Source will be the mnemonic assigned to the EAS video source on the Input

Continuing with the example above, the EAS audio is wired to the “Over B
In 1/2” input (i.e., the Mix 2 input); this connection is described in the Input
table. The EAS receiver trigger is wired to GPI port 2, which is associated
with “Audio Over 2” (Mix 2) on the GPIO table. Therefore the Background
Button table is used to configure Button “Audio Over 2” with a Purpose of
“Fixed Assignment.” The Default Source will be the mnemonic assigned to
the EAS audio source on the Input table.

When Automation background buttons are used, it is the responsibility of
the user to define a sufficient number of buttons. There is no restriction for
the number of background buttons that are defined for automation. How-
ever, non-DVE system operation requires at least three buttons. DVE
systems require at least four buttons. Using Breakaways could potentially
use all buttons.


Following validation, compiling, and downloading of the updated config-
uration set, the EAS receiver will, on receipt of an EAS message, automati-
cally trigger the Maestro system to select the appropriate video keyer and
audio mixer on Preset and Program and simultaneously transmit the emer-
gency message. At the end of the message, the receiver will pull the trigger
signal low and the Maestro will switch out the EAS key and mix sources.


Proper keyer and mixer operation requires the appropriate settings (e.g.
clip, gain, self key, and mix-over ratio) to be in place when the EAS
message is being transmitted. The EAS system should be tested and oper-
ating procedures established to ensure reliable operation during an emer-
gency transmission.