Exporting audio for mixinginother applications, Ways you can finish your audio, Chapter 10 – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 968: Exporting audio for mixing in other applications

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Exporting Audio for
Mixing in Other Applications

If you plan to send your audio to an audio post-production
facility for finishing, you can export audio tracks to standard
audio formats such as AIFF or OMF.

This chapter covers the following:


Ways You Can Finish Your Audio

(p. 183)


Organizing Your Audio Clips for Multitrack Export

(p. 184)


Exporting Audio Tracks to Individual Audio Files

(p. 185)


Exporting Audio Output Groups to AIFF Files

(p. 190)


Exporting Multichannel QuickTime Files

(p. 195)


Exporting OMF Audio Files

(p. 195)


Exporting Audio Clip Information to an EDL

(p. 199)


Exporting Audio for DVD

(p. 200)

Ways You Can Finish Your Audio

How do you plan to finish mixing your audio? This is an extremely important question,
because it affects what you’ll do to the audio in your edited sequence. Essentially, you
have two choices:

 Complete your final mix using Final Cut Pro.
 Export your audio for sweetening at an audio post-production facility.

Although Final Cut Pro is a capable audio editing environment, having your audio done
at a specialized post-production facility means you’ll have a professional audio editor
and mixer working on your soundtrack.

Another reason to use a post-production facility is to have your audio worked on in a
room where acoustics have been specially designed for mixing. Additionally, excellent
monitoring speakers and high-quality audio equipment will allow your editor to hear
everything that’s in the audio, so you can be confident that the frequencies and levels
being adjusted in your audio are accurate.