Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 2001

“Media limit” message II-355
media management
See also Media Manager
critical techniques IV-15
described IV-13–IV-14
independent sequence clips and II-433
reasons for using IV-14
steps IV-15–IV-16
strategies IV-16–IV-18
subclips and II-42
angles and II-244
deleting items IV-98–IV-99
effective media management and IV-14
examples of processes IV-109–IV-120
independent clips and IV-100
limiting copies and deletions IV-101
multiclips in II-284
opening IV-91
overview IV-88, IV-105–IV-109
processing options IV-98–IV-99
recapturing media at full resolution IV-63
selecting items to process IV-89
settings IV-90–IV-98
speed adjustments and IV-101
stopping processes IV-108
subclip media files and II-42
subclips and IV-100
transferring projects IV-66
“Media Offline” message IV-74
Media options IV-207
Media setting IV-207
Media Start and Media End fields II-446
Media Start and Media End points II-40, II-105
Media Start and Media End properties II-84
Media Start column in Browser I-311
Media Start heading, in batch lists I-311
Media Start property IV-40, IV-46
allocated to Final Cut Pro IV-444
described IV-467
Undo levels and IV-305
voiceover requirements III-141
Memory & Cache tab IV-319–IV-320
memory cards I-321
menus on DVDs IV-267
merged clips I-35
changing II-51
creating II-46–II-48, II-50–II-51
described I-35, II-45–II-46, II-79, IV-32, IV-462
dual system audio II-229
duration II-48–II-49
as master clips IV-47
recapturing I-289
resyncing II-51
synchronization points II-46
sync relationships and II-213, II-220
timecode and II-449
messages. See alert messages
messages. See see alert messages or warnings
metadata I-283
microphones II-308, III-138, III-178, IV-346
MIDI interface
connecting control surfaces III-101
control surfaces and III-100
described III-100
installing III-101
selecting III-101
midrange frequencies (sound) III-20, III-155
Mids Auto-Balance eyedropper III-580
Mids balance control III-580
Mids Reset button III-580
Mids slider III-573, III-576, III-582
midtones III-510, IV-462
MiniDisc recorders I-199
mini-DV camcorders I-323
mini-DV cassettes IV-462
mini-DV devices
format IV-146
insert editing and IV-199, IV-212
Minimum Overlap option II-253, II-259–II-260
Mirror filter III-250
“Mirror on desktop” option IV-440
“Missing DV Audio” setting IV-345
missing files
compared to offline IV-76
ignoring IV-84
Mixdown Audio checkbox (Nest Items
window) II-420
Mixdown command III-636, III-656, III-657
mixed-format sequences
described III-679
working with III-682–III-690
audio filters and III-170
control surfaces and III-108
deleting III-99
described III-91
keyframes in Timeline III-129
looping playback III-96–III-98
modifying III-98–III-99
recording audio filter automation III-170–III-171
recording fader and panning automation III-96–
recording keyframes III-95
setting keyframe preferences III-92
mixing audio I-19, I-144
mixing down. See downmixes
mixing process IV-463
M-JPEG codecs I-182, I-208, I-210, IV-233, IV-269,