Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 2011

Rate option for timecode II-448
Ratio slider III-158, III-159
raw data IV-467
raw previewing mode I-228
Razor Blade All tool II-209
razor blade edits IV-467
Razor Blade tool II-208
RCA connectors I-178, I-188, I-192
readability of fonts III-472
real-time audio
filter adjustments III-169
mixing III-68, III-634–III-636
real-time audio mixing III-634, IV-305, IV-439
Real-time Audio Mixing field III-635
real-time editing II-273, II-276–II-278
real-time effects I-214, IV-467
codecs III-638
dynamic real-time playback III-629
external video monitoring III-629
identifying transitions and filters for III-620
overview III-617–III-622
playback settings III-625–III-631
record settings III-631
render bars III-620
RT pop-up menu III-625–III-627
Safe RT mode III-625
settings III-622–III-640
video output III-640
real-time level automation III-77
real-time playback III-638
real-time playback quality II-278
Recapture option for EDL import IV-142
recapturing clips
with Media Manager I-294
overwriting files I-275
process I-288
recapturing items
clips IV-467
clips from imported EDLs IV-143
effective media management and IV-14
full-resolution IV-60, IV-63
media management and IV-16
multiclips II-284
online editing and IV-89
timecode modifications and II-446
Recent Clips pop-up menu I-76, I-88, IV-305
Recompress All Frames option IV-239, IV-241, IV-298
recompressing media files
avoiding IV-239
choosing codec and format IV-241
in Media Manager IV-93, IV-104
Media Manager options IV-89
Media Manager process IV-114
OfflineRT format and IV-62
QuickTime conversion and IV-236
Reconnect Files dialog IV-80
reconnecting clips II-284
reconnecting media IV-76–IV-83
effective media management and IV-14
search paths IV-318
Reconnect Media command IV-76–IV-83
Reconnect option for EDL import IV-142
Reconnect window IV-81
Record Audio Keyframes button III-70, III-73, III-94
Record Audio Keyframes option III-77, IV-314
recording process
device control presets IV-354
output to VHS tape IV-225
Print to Video command IV-219, IV-220–IV-222
real-time effects and III-631
recording anamorphic video IV-430
recording from Timeline IV-219, IV-223–IV-225
recording to videotape IV-197–IV-218, IV-219–
setting up for IV-220–IV-222
voiceover controls III-142
voiceover settings III-145, III-149–III-152
record monitors I-99, IV-467
record tapes in EDLs IV-130
Rectangle Iris transition IV-151
Rectangle transition II-390
rectangular pixels. See non-square pixels
redigitizing process. See recapturing process
Redo command II-94
Redundant Array of Independent Disks
(RAIDs) I-216, IV-467
Reel/Roll option II-448
reel conflicts IV-137
reel names II-245, II-246
Reel property IV-41, IV-46
changing name in Browser IV-147
described IV-467
duplicate timecode and I-268
entering names I-256
identifying in EDLs IV-131
information about I-255
labeling I-249
names I-250, I-292, II-245, II-246
names of IV-16, IV-146–IV-147, IV-150
numbers I-268, IV-145
reel conflicts IV-137
timecode and II-448
timecode breaks and I-292
reference input connectors I-200
reference levels III-67
reference movies I-319, I-330, IV-238–IV-241, IV-259,
reference tone I-302, III-68
Refresh A/V Devices command I-231
relative timecode values II-352