Opening a clip in the viewer, P. 74) – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

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Part II

Learning About the Final Cut Pro Interface

 Adjust generator clip controls

Generators are special clips that can be generated by Final Cut Pro, so they don’t
require source media. Final Cut Pro has generators that create color mattes, text of
different types, gradients, color bars, and white noise. For more information, see
Volume III, Chapter 21, “Using Generator Clips.”

 Open a transition, such as a dissolve or a wipe, from an edited sequence for

detailed editing

For more information, see Volume II, Chapter 21, “Adding Transitions.”

Before you can work in the Viewer, it must be the currently selected, or active, window.
Otherwise, any commands or keyboard shortcuts you use may perform the wrong
operations. To display the Viewer (if it’s not open already), you must open a clip from
the Browser or the Timeline (see the next section,

Opening a Clip in the Viewer


To make the Viewer window active, do one of the following:


Click the Viewer.


Press Command-1. (Press this again to close the Viewer.)


Press Q to switch between the Viewer and the Canvas.

Opening a Clip in the Viewer

The Viewer is where you look at source clips from the Browser before editing them into
a sequence. You can also open clips that are already in a sequence in order to adjust
durations and edit points, or edit filter parameters. There a variety of ways to open clips
in the Viewer. You can choose the method that you find most convenient.

Tip: You can tell whether a clip in the Viewer has been opened from the Browser or
from a sequence in the Timeline. Sprocket holes appear in the scrubber bar for clips
opened from a sequence. You can also tell the origin of the clip from the name of the
clip in the Viewer title bar.

To open a clip in the Viewer from the Browser, do one of the following:


In the Browser, double-click the clip.


Drag the clip from the Browser to the Viewer.


In the Browser, select the clip and press Return.

Note: In the Browser, pressing Enter is different from pressing Return. Pressing Enter
allows to you to rename the clip.


In the Browser, Control-click the clip, then choose Open in Viewer from the shortcut menu.


In the Browser, select the clip, then choose View > Clip.


In the Viewer, select a clip name from the Recent Clips pop-up menu in the lower-right
area of the window.