Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1389

Color Correction and Video Quality Control
 Saturation (Sat) control: Allows you to adjust the degree and range of saturation that
contributes to defining your key. The top and bottom handles work the same as
those in the Color Range control. Drag left or right within the gradient to move all
four handles simultaneously.
 Luma control: Allows you to adjust the degree and range of luma that contributes
to defining your key. The top and bottom handles work the same as those in the
Color Range control. Drag left or right within the gradient to move all four
handles simultaneously.
 Edge Thin slider: Allows you to modify the keyed area by shrinking or expanding it.
Using Edge Thin, you can control a noisy key, filling in small gaps and adjusting the
edge of the key to include borderline values that are otherwise difficult to get at
using the other controls.
 Softening slider: Allows you to soften the edges of the key, creating gentler
transitions between affected and unaffected parts of the image.
 Select Color eyedropper: When you click this eyedropper, the pointer turns into an
eyedropper you can use to select a color from a clip in the Video tab of the Viewer or
in the Canvas. Shift-clicking this eyedropper allows you to select another region of
the background screen that wasn’t keyed out by your first use of this control, thereby
broadening the range of colors to be keyed out and enlarging the keyed-out area.
You can do this repeatedly to broaden the range of keyed-out color to include
shadows or highlights on the background screen, if necessary.
Invert Selection button
View Final/Matte/Source button
Select Color eyedropper