Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 2014

RTP Payload Encodings option IV-260
ruler IV-469
positioning playhead with I-133
in Timeline I-117
in Transition Editor II-398
in Viewer II-291
S/PDIF digital audio I-188, I-199
Safe RT mode III-625, III-629
sample clocks I-307
sample rate conversion IV-306
Sample Rate options III-198
sample rates III-198, IV-258, IV-264
audio interfaces I-189
audio-only capturing IV-347
capture presets IV-346
consumer audio I-199
conversion I-323, IV-306
digital audio III-29
DVD audio IV-272
exported audio III-194
imported video I-320
mismatched IV-443
overview I-323–I-325
sample rate conversion III-649
sampling, described IV-469
sampling ratio IV-389
sequence presets IV-364
settings III-39
video formats IV-376, IV-389
voiceover III-144
samples per line in video frames IV-383
SAN (storage area networks) IV-18, IV-469
SATA disks I-214
saturation III-535, IV-469
adjusting III-573
adjustments to III-583
broadcast safe controls III-528
Chroma Keyer filter III-433
comparing in Waveform Monitor III-514
controlling III-604
described III-511
font color III-478
oversaturation III-578, III-583
Saturation control III-604
saturation controls III-573, III-582–III-583
Saturation slider III-539, III-573, III-582, III-583
Save All command I-33
Save Normally option I-330
Save Project command I-33
Save Window Layout command I-145
saving items IV-20–IV-22, IV-307
favorite transitions II-386
files II-77
keyboard shortcut layouts I-146, I-152
projects I-33, II-73
QuickTime movies I-330
shortcut button bars I-158
track layouts II-133
window layouts I-144
saving render files III-675
Scale Attribute Times option III-166, III-328
scale handles III-276
Scale slider III-258
Scale to Sequence command III-370, III-377
scale value IV-469
scaling items
clips III-278
graphics III-370, III-372
images and clips to match sequences III-377
scaling Timeline to fit window I-138
scanned images I-332
scanning methods
high definition video formats IV-400
video formats IV-375, IV-386
SCART connector I-179
scene numbers I-260
Scene property IV-41, IV-45
scenes IV-469
scoring markers II-55, II-60, II-62, IV-243
scratch disks
consolidating project files IV-117
data rates IV-306
described IV-469
free space I-240
heat buildup I-212
managing render files III-672
preferences I-165–I-166, I-207, IV-317
preparing for batch capture I-273
removable media I-209
removing I-166
selecting I-244, I-245
separating audio and video I-166
setup I-162
speed of III-625
types of I-213–I-217
Scratch Disks dialog I-282
scratch disk speed II-278
Scratch Disks tab I-165–I-166, I-207, IV-317
Screen compositing mode III-400
scripts IV-29, IV-469
logging and I-269
in moviemaking process I-15
through audio clips II-296
through tracks II-133–II-135
in Timeline II-133–II-135
in Viewer II-262