Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1546

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Chapter 5

Offline and Online Editing



Creating a Sequence for Recapturing Media at Full Resolution

Once you’ve finished editing your project, you use the “Create offline” option in the
Media Manager to create a duplicate of your edited sequence using an online-quality
sequence preset. The Media Manager is convenient because it not only creates a
duplicate sequence with new settings, but every clip in the sequence is also set to the
the new settings.

Note: The Media Manager adjusts the dimensions and scale of any graphics or
Final Cut Pro generators you used to match the new sequence settings.

To create a duplicate of your sequence with online-quality settings:


In the Browser, select your sequence.


Choose File > Media Manager.


Choose “Create offline” from the Media pop-up menu, then choose an online-quality
sequence preset from the “Set sequences to” pop-up menu.

Note: If you want to limit the amount of media your online-quality sequence
references to media necessary for the sequence itself, make sure the “Delete unused
media” checkbox is selected. In this case, you may also want to select the Use Handles
option in case you need an extra second or two to add transitions or trim your
sequence during the online edit.


When you’re ready, click OK.


In the Save dialog that appears, enter a name and choose a location for the project that
contains the duplicated, online-quality sequence; then click Save.

Choose “Create offline”

from this pop-up menu.

Choose an online quality
sequence preset from
this pop-up menu.

Select this option so

your new sequence clips

refer to the minimum

media necessary to

create the sequence.