Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1967

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channels IV-139, IV-368–IV-369
clipped I-302, I-304, III-63
clips. See audio clips
controls I-127
cross fades II-305, III-178, III-182
decibels III-23
describing to sound designers III-177
digital audio overview III-28–III-31
discrete audio II-293
distortion III-25
downmixing III-47
dual system recordings II-229
dynamic range III-25
editing out problems with III-178–III-181
expansion filter III-158
exporting III-185–III-199
exporting an EDL IV-182–IV-184
exporting audio only IV-235
exporting OMF format III-197–III-199
exporting sequences IV-364
file space requirements I-210
filters II-279
flattening III-189
formats II-90
frame offset settings I-228
frequencies III-20
gain I-302–I-304
headroom III-25
imported video file settings I-320
importing I-322–I-327
inadequate channel warnings I-225
interfaces IV-345
laybacks IV-59
levels II-289
levels of IV-139
matching for clips and sequences I-82, I-97
mixdown audio III-636, III-657
mixed levels IV-149
mixing I-19, I-144
monitoring during logging I-252
mono and stereo channels I-122, I-264
multichannel audio IV-216–IV-218
muting II-369
output rate IV-258
output settings IV-368–IV-369
peak markers II-56
peaks I-304
pops/clicks in III-129–III-132, III-178
problems with III-178–III-181, IV-439–IV-440,
professional vs. consumer equipment III-31
quality IV-364, IV-443
QuickTime settings IV-257–IV-258, IV-345–IV-346
real-time effects and III-627
recording keyframes IV-314
reference tone I-302–I-303, III-68

rendering III-116, III-649, III-656
resampling III-649, III-656
room tone II-287, II-310–II-313, III-178
sample rate conversion IV-306
sample rates I-323–I-325, III-29, III-649
scrubbing through clips and I-102
settings I-77
signal-to-noise ratio III-24
sound, described III-17
sound bytes IV-471
sound effects III-181, III-185, IV-471
sound recordists IV-472
soundtracks IV-471
sound waves III-18
stereo III-26–III-28
stereo pairs II-228, II-294, II-306–II-307
surround sound IV-273
synchronized audio I-307
syncing with video. See audio-video sync
timecode I-110, I-304
tracks. See audio tracks
transferring to timecoded media I-306
trim settings and IV-313
unrendered III-628, III-634, III-648, IV-223
voiceover. See voiceover

Audio/Video Settings window I-222, IV-323–IV-325,
IV-329–IV-336, IV-340, IV-350
audio/video sync (A/V sync)

genlocking and IV-308
preferences IV-308
problems with IV-439–IV-440

Audio Attributes option III-166
Audio capture checkbox I-298
Audio CD Data format I-315
audio CD format I-23, I-323, I-327, IV-235
audio channels

discrete audio II-293
inadequate I-225
multiple channel capture I-199
nested sequences II-417
recording as QuickTime media files I-264
sequence settings and II-90
stereo pairs I-122, II-228, II-294, II-306–II-307
viewing multichannel clips I-301

audio clip icon IV-35
audio clips

See also clips; video clips
adding to sequences II-91, II-94
applying filters to III-164–III-166
audio-only angles II-262
audio post-production and IV-59
audio-video sync II-213–II-218
automatic filenaming I-283
average loudness III-58
avoiding overlap of III-188
backtiming II-109, II-165, II-168–II-169