Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1578

Chapter 7
Overview of the Media Manager
Selecting this option allows you to retain not only the media for clips in your sequences,
but also media defined by your original master clip In and Out points. When combined
with the “Include Affiliate Clips Outside Selection” option, you can retain media for all
clips affiliated with your original selection, even if you did not explicitly select all of the
affiliated items.
 Available with: Copy, Recompress, or “Create offline”
 Always enabled with: Move or “Use existing”
Delete Unused Media Checkbox
This option allows you to delete (or not include) any media files, or portions of media
files, that aren’t referenced by your selected items.
Note: The name of this checkbox changes depending on whether you are creating a
duplicate project.
When you delete portions of media files, Final Cut Pro actually creates new media files,
one for each segment of the original media file defined by the clips or subclips you
selected. The new media files are named according to the option chosen in the “Base
media file names on” pop-up menu, and the resulting clips in your project are properly
connected to these new media files. You can use this option when you are removing
unused media files toward the end of your project, or when you want to break up a
long media file that you have broken into several subclips.
The main purpose of deleting media from your hard disk is to save space or to transfer
a consolidated version of your project to another system. However, deleting media
from your media files can be risky, because you may decide later that you want a few
extra frames to trim an edit, or you may have deleted portions of a media file that was
actually used by a clip in another sequence. To avoid deleting too much media, the
“Deleted unused media” option has several related suboptions—Use Handles and
“Include affiliate clips outside selection”—which further refine exactly what media is
deleted. These options are described below.
Note: This option works only on QuickTime files that have timecode tracks and reel
names. If you have AIFF and WAVE files in your selection, they are copied in their entirety.
You must be extremely careful when using this option with the “Use
existing” option in the Media pop-up menu. Once media is deleted, it cannot be
restored, and this operation cannot be undone.