Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1545

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Part I

Media and Project Management

Capturing or Recompressing Media to an OfflineRT Format

Once you’ve selected the appropriate Easy Setup, you can capture OfflineRT clips using
your camcorder or deck. For more information about capturing, see Volume I,
Chapter 17, “Capturing Your Footage to Disk.”

When your system is set up correctly, you can log and capture using device control as
usual. During capturing, video is transcoded from its original format to the OfflineRT
format and written to your scratch disk.

Alternatively, you can capture your footage at full resolution and then transcode, or
recompress it, to the appropriate OfflineRT format using the Media Manager. For more
information, see “

Example: Recompressing Media Files for an Entire Project for Editing

on a Portable Computer

” on page 114.

Editing with Offline-Quality (Low-Resolution) Media Files

You edit your OfflineRT sequence just as you would if your footage was captured at
full resolution.

Using Full-Resolution Graphics in a Low-Resolution,
OfflineRT Sequence

Even though your OfflineRT sequence is set to small image dimensions, as you edit,
you can import and use your full-resolution still graphics in your low-resolution
project. Therefore, it’s not necessary to create your graphics with two different
dimensions for offline and online editing.

When you edit graphics into your sequence that are larger than that sequence’s
frame size, Final Cut Pro automatically resizes them to fit. For example, while working
at offline resolution, your sequence frame size is 320 x 240. If you edit in a still graphic
that was created with a frame size of 720 x 480, Final Cut Pro sets the Scale property
of this graphic (shown in the Motion tab of the Viewer) to 50 percent to fit the
sequence’s 320 x 240 frame size. Generators used in your sequence always inherit the
dimensions of the sequence they are in.

When you create your full-resolution sequence for online editing, the dimensions of
your graphics and generators are automatically set to the proper dimensions.