Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1991

Easy Setups and IV-61
editing timebase IV-361, IV-371
EDL export considerations and IV-147
flicker and IV-406–IV-407
imported files I-320
limiting IV-407–IV-408
OfflineRT format IV-61
QuickTime files IV-231
real-time effects and III-629
recaptured clips I-278
rendering and III-661
sequence presets IV-363
sequence settings IV-367
understanding IV-405–IV-406
video formats IV-375, IV-385
XML elements for IV-158
Frame Rate setting for device control IV-352
frame remapping III-346
blending III-342, III-344
close-up view II-398
described IV-457
dropped. See dropped frames; long frames
duplicate I-127, I-130
duplicate detection IV-310
frame counts II-441
freeze frames IV-222, IV-224, IV-225, IV-310
moving one frame at a time I-105
moving playhead to II-62, II-63
Out points and II-101
playing all I-102
playing back IV-225
poster frames I-65, I-70
size III-372
sliding to other times III-354
still frames IV-150
trimming by II-358
video image dimensions I-24
frame size
sequence presets IV-362
settings IV-340, IV-362
Frame Size property IV-39, IV-46
frames per second (fps) I-24, II-440
frames per second. See fps (frames per second)
Frames per second option IV-287, IV-288, IV-344
Frame Viewer
customizing contents of III-556–III-557
displaying images in III-555
display options III-557–III-558
opening III-556
uses for III-555
using the split screen III-557–III-558
free space I-209–I-211, I-240
freeze frame icon IV-35
freeze frames I-332, IV-47, IV-222, IV-224, IV-225,
creating III-366–III-367
in time graph III-361
frequency IV-458
frequency ranges
described III-18, III-20
equalization and III-154, III-155
frequency response III-54
fringing around keyed subjects III-428, III-436
front, moving clips to III-389
FTP sites IV-66
full-resolution media
capturing IV-17
importing into OfflineRT sequences IV-62
media management and IV-16
recapturing IV-89
full-screen preview I-227
fundamental III-21
fuzzy still images III-368
FxPlug III-234
FxPlug plug-ins III-234–III-235
FXScript language III-218
FXScript plug-ins III-235
gain I-302–I-304, III-535, IV-458
adjusting frequency ranges III-156
reducing III-158
voiceover III-144
gain control I-298
gamma IV-458
gamma correction III-245, III-631
described III-668
for still images III-669–III-672
for video III-669–III-672
real-time III-669
Gamma Correction filter III-245
gamut III-664
ganging playheads I-87, II-434–II-437, IV-458
Gang playhead sync option II-435, II-436
gaps II-202–II-205, IV-458
closing with ripple edits II-201
creating with lift edits II-200–II-201
editing clips into II-167–II-168
matching In and Out points II-112
gaps, audio III-178
gaps in timecode. See timecode breaks
Garbage Matte filters
alpha channels and III-218
Eight-Point Garbage Matte filter III-248, III-440
example of using III-440–III-443
Four-Point Garbage Matte filter III-440
irregular cropping and III-438
keyframing III-442
unkeyable elements and III-429