Choosing display options for video scopes – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1304

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Chapter 26

Measuring and Setting Video Levels



The RGB Parade scope is useful for comparing the relative levels of red, green, and blue
between two clips. If one clip has more blue than another, the difference shows up as
an elevated blue waveform in the one, and a depressed blue waveform in the other. In
the previous screen shot, the overall image contains quite a bit of blue. By comparison,
the shot of the couple dancing below has substantially less blue and far higher levels of
red, which can be seen immediately in the RGB Parade scope.

Choosing Display Options for Video Scopes

Each video scope has several display options you can choose, such as brightness, color,
and standard measurement areas (called targets).

To see video scope options that are currently displayed:


Control-click anywhere in a video scope.

Options that are enabled, or displayed, have a checkmark next to them.

This image contains
much less blue than the
previous image.

The shortcut menu in the
Waveform Monitor