Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1954

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slate A small board shot at the beginning of a scene, which identifies the scene with
basic production information such as the take, date, and scene number. The slate may
also contain a chip chart to aid in color correcting the scene. A clapper provides an
audiovisual cue for synchronization of dual system recordings.

slide edit An edit in which an entire clip is moved, along with the edit points on its left
and right. The duration of the clip being moved stays the same, but the clips to the left
and to the right of it change in length to accommodate the new position of the clip.
The overall duration of the sequence and of these three clips remains the same.

slider In Final Cut Pro, an interface element that can be dragged forward or backward
in order to make an adjustment. Sliders can be found in the Motion tab of the Viewer,
as well as in filters and generators applied to a clip.

slip edit An edit in which the location of both In and Out points of a sequence clip
are changed at the same time, without changing the location or duration of the clip.
This is referred to as slipping because you slip a pair of In and Out points inside the
available footage.

slug A generator in Final Cut Pro used to create black video in a sequence. A slug can
be used to represent a video clip that has not yet been placed.

SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) The organization
responsible for establishing various broadcast video standards. Established the SMPTE
standard timecode for video playback.

snapping A setting in the Timeline that affects the movement of the playhead. When
snapping is enabled, the playhead “snaps,” or moves directly, to markers or edit points
when it is moved close to them.

Snapping button A button icon in the upper-right corner of the Timeline that you
click to turn snapping on and off.

SOT (sound on tape) Audio recorded on analog or digital video formats (audio
and video).

soundtrack The audio that accompanies a program’s video.

sound bite Typically a short excerpt from an interview clip, as used on news shows.

sound effects Specific audio material, such as the sound of a door closing or a dog
barking, from effects libraries or from clips you recorded. Sound effects can be used to
replace sounds in the location audio of a program, or to add sound that wasn’t
originally recorded.