Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1968

boundaries II-211
capturing I-295–I-308
clip names I-249, I-251, I-259–I-261, I-273
color-coding II-206
controls I-127
copying I-57
copying and pasting II-196–II-199
copying to other sequences II-411, II-412–II-415
currently-selected II-172
cutting II-207–II-209
deleting I-58
described I-28, II-78, IV-32, IV-448
deselecting II-178
displaying in Transition Editor II-402
dragging to Browser II-298
dragging to Timeline II-127, II-137–II-143
duration II-104, II-211, II-351, II-407
editing II-165–II-166, II-292–II-305
editing multiple clips II-138–II-139
exporting to EDLs III-199
filenames I-251, I-273
filters II-279
ganging playhead II-436
handles I-258, I-276, II-99, II-374, III-152, III-198
heads and tails II-374
In and Out points I-82, I-97, I-242, I-257, II-96,
II-99–II-104, II-112, II-113, II-165, II-165–II-170,
II-286, II-297
incoming and outgoing II-342, II-358, II-363,
II-364, II-398
independent clips I-319, II-41, II-430
jogging through I-104
keyboard shortcuts II-295, II-297
keyframes I-82, I-97
labels I-121, I-141, II-23–II-26
levels III-85
linked I-121
linked items II-142, II-176, II-214, II-217–II-218
logging I-247, I-259–I-261, I-266–I-267
looping playback I-105
markers I-82, I-97, I-262, II-54, II-57, II-59
marking while logging I-262–I-263
matching video for I-82, I-97
media files and I-35–I-37, I-286
media files for II-28, II-83
merged clips I-35
merged clips. See merged clips
modifying timecode in II-446–II-449
moving II-66, II-190–II-193, II-351, II-353
moving clips between tracks II-304–II-305
moving playhead I-95
multichannel clips I-301
muting II-369
naming conventions II-245
in nested sequences II-417, II-419–II-420
notes about I-261
offline/online editing flow and IV-58
offline clips I-36, II-79
opening I-74–I-75, I-100, II-292, II-298, II-350,
organizing II-15–II-26, II-138–II-139
overlays I-126, II-302
pan adjustments III-73, III-89–III-91
pasting audio attributes III-165–III-166, III-327–
peak markers II-56
peaks III-58
playback quality IV-305
playing I-79, I-94, I-100, I-103–I-104
playing in Trim Edit Window II-369–II-370
properties II-80–II-84
quality II-287
recapturing I-275, I-288, I-294
recently used I-88
reconnecting to files I-36
redoing changes in II-94
removing from sequences II-200–II-202
renaming I-58
render bars III-620
rendering I-123, III-656
rendering in nested sequences II-420
rendering separately III-652
render status III-648
replacing II-157–II-158
replacing sections of II-161–II-162
resolution II-308
resyncing II-159, II-222–II-226
ripple edits II-334
scrolling through II-296
scrubbing II-297
scrubbing through I-67–I-68, I-102
searching for II-28–II-34
selecting II-171–II-182, II-184–II-185, II-344–II-346
selecting all II-180, II-182
selecting in Browser I-55
selecting multiple clips II-178
selecting tracks to capture I-263
settings I-322
shuttling through I-103–I-104
sliding II-318–II-320
slipping II-369
snapping to points II-189–II-190
sorting II-27–II-28, II-97
speed settings I-121
split edits II-232
split In and Out points II-114
start and end timecode II-84
stereo pairs I-122
stereo vs. dual mono III-90
subclips I-35, I-288
subframe audio operations II-305–II-309
synced items I-110