Trimming audio clips in the viewer – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 631

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Part II

Rough Editing

Dragging an Audio Clip to the Canvas, Browser, or Timeline

To move an audio clip from the Viewer to the Canvas, Timeline, or Browser, use the drag
hand at the top of the audio tab. (Clicking the waveform itself moves the playhead to
the frame you clicked, and does not select the clip for dragging.)

Trimming Audio Clips in the Viewer

You can trim an audio clip to be shorter or longer. Trimming generally refers to
precision adjustments, anywhere from one frame to several seconds. For more about
techniques for trimming clips in your sequence, see Chapter 19, “

Learning About

Trimming Clips

,” on page 341.

Note: If you want to open a sequence audio clip item in the Viewer, independently of
its linked video clip item, you need to make sure that linked selection is turned off. For
more information, see Chapter 14, “

Linking and Editing Video and Audio in Sync

,” on

page 213.

Use the drag hand to
move an audio file.