Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1924

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Appendix E

Solving Common Problems



After editing to tape, you don’t see the material you edited when you play
back the tape.
 The Edit to Tape command requires that the sequence or clip you’re outputting be

opened in the Viewer before you click the Insert or Assemble edit buttons in the Edit
to Tape window. For more information, see Chapter 14, “

Assemble and Insert Editing

Using Edit to Tape

,” on page 197.

An error message appears during capture reporting a “Break in the Timecode.”
 When capturing clips for your program from source tapes that were shot in the field,

or from old source tapes that have been played to the point of wearing the media,
timecode breaks may appear, disrupting the computer’s ability to read a continuous
stream of timecode. A few timecode breaks are normal on any source tape, but these
timecode breaks should be avoided during capture whenever possible, as they can
cause audio/video sync problems and incorrect timecode in your captured clip.
Incorrect timecode can in turn cause inaccurate EDL export, and incorrect recapture
of the clips containing the breaks.

If you’re logging your source tapes manually in preparation for capture, it’s a good
idea to avoid logging clips along with the breaks that appear between shots, as
these are spots where timecode breaks frequently occur. If a timecode break appears
in the middle of a shot, it may be because the tape is worn, or because the media
simply failed on that frame.

To avoid capturing timecode breaks in any circumstances, make sure that the “On
timecode break” option in the General tab of the User Preferences window is set to
either Make New Clip or Abort Capture. For more information on the “On timecode
break” option, see “

General Tab

” on page 304.

 If you are experiencing excessive timecode breaks during capture, try cleaning the

heads on your camcorder or deck. Dirty heads can cause timecode breaks that don’t
actually exist on the tape.

An error message says “Servo Can’t Lock.”
 The tape transport mechanism in the camcorder or deck may not be able to

synchronize as expected and may require more time to synchronize to where the
computer thinks it is. Try increasing the pre-roll time in your device control preset.
(See Chapter 26, “

Device Control Settings and Presets

,” on page 349.)

 If your device is connected via FireWire, try changing the protocol from Apple

FireWire to Apple FireWire Basic in your device control preset. (See Chapter 26,

Device Control Settings and Presets

,” on page 349.)