Working with filmandcinematools, An overview of the film editing process, Chapter 12 – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1646: Working with film and cinema tools

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Working with
Film and Cinema Tools

You can use Final Cut Pro with Cinema Tools to edit film
and 24 fps–based projects.

This chapter covers the following:


An Overview of the Film Editing Process

(p. 163)


Using Cinema Tools with Final Cut Pro

(p. 166)

Cinema Tools is an application for people who edit film projects. If you aren’t using film,
you probably don’t need to use Cinema Tools. The only exception is when you are
working with video footage recorded at 24 fps. If you plan to edit or output to film with
Final Cut Pro, you should read the Cinema Tools User Manual for a complete description
of the film editing process. The rest of this chapter focuses on the film editing features
in Final Cut Pro and how they work with Cinema Tools.

An Overview of the Film Editing Process

Traditionally, working with film required a lot of manual labor: making physical splices
in film, sifting through cluttered film bins, spooling reels, and meticulously labeling film
footage. To simplify this process, pioneering filmmakers looked to the digital
breakthroughs in video post-production. Many filmmakers now believe that the best
approach is to eliminate film altogether and replace it with high definition video,
whose quality rivals that of film. For those who continue working in film, they must first
transfer their footage to video before they can enjoy the benefits of digital video
editing. This process of transferring film to video, called the telecine process, is where
Cinema Tools enters the workflow. Once a video sequence is edited, an editor must go
back to the original film negative and cut it so that it matches the video. Using the
information gathered during the telecine session, Cinema Tools considerably speeds
up this final conforming process.

The following information provides an overview of the film editing process, identifying
the parts played by Final Cut Pro and Cinema Tools.