Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1989

importance of IV-15
Media Manager settings IV-97
See also media files
See also QuickTime movie files, names of specific
file formats
autosave files II-77
cache files IV-320
extensions for IV-296
importing I-315–I-319
naming I-37–I-38, I-251, I-283
offline files IV-74–IV-76
project files II-76
reducing size IV-257
render files II-408
saving IV-307
XML files II-244
frame rate IV-409
history of IV-401–IV-403
film cameras IV-406
film lists
edge code and IV-181
exporting IV-179–IV-181
Film Safe property IV-34, IV-39, IV-47
film standards for timecode II-441
filmstrip display I-125
filter bars I-128, II-174, III-230, III-322, III-324
filter parameters I-129, III-218, IV-144
filters II-279, III-241–III-252
advantages of III-217
After Effects filters III-240, IV-29
applying to clips III-218–III-232
applying to multiple tracks III-331
audio filters III-164–III-166
blur filters III-241
border filters III-242
broadcast safe III-524
categories III-224
changing order of III-169
channel filters III-242
clips IV-139
color correction filters III-243, III-561
compression filters III-157
controls III-226–III-230
copying/pasting between clips III-165–III-166,
III-231–III-232, III-329
described IV-457
displaying in Timeline III-167
distort filters III-244
effects filters III-160–III-161
enabling/disabling III-169, III-224, III-231, III-563
equalization (EQ) filters III-154–III-156
expansion filters III-158
favorite filters III-176
filter bars III-230
FxPlug plug-ins III-234–III-235
FXScript effects language III-218
identifying as real-time effects III-620
image control filters III-245
included with Final Cut Pro III-241–III-252
keyframe controls III-291
keying filters III-246–III-247
looping real-time playback III-170
masks III-443–III-445
matte filters III-248–III-249, III-440–III-443
multiple applied filters III-165, III-222, III-567,
noise reduction filters III-159–III-160
nondestructive filters III-154
Paste Attributes command and III-232
perspective filters III-250
playback settings IV-367
QuickTime IV-253
real-time audio adjustments III-169–III-170
rearranging III-231
removing III-169, III-232, III-556
rendering and III-116, III-645, III-660, III-676
settings I-78, III-224–III-226
sharpen filters III-250
Start and End points III-222, III-226
stereo pairs and III-162
stylize filters III-251
third-party III-176
video filters III-252
viewing in Viewer III-168
Y´CbCr color space and IV-29
Filters option III-166, IV-139, IV-249, IV-367
Filters tab I-78, II-279, III-224–III-226, III-562
Final Cut Pro
basic interface I-43–I-44
customizing interface I-141–I-158
displaying film information in IV-176–IV-177
earlier versions of IV-24–IV-29
editing system components I-161
filters III-241–III-252
formats supported IV-398–IV-401
generators III-474–III-476
memory allocated to IV-444
performance IV-444
projects I-27–I-35
Soundtrack Pro multitrack projects III-209
Support ID IV-444
workflow I-15–I-20
Final Cut Pro clips
creating multitrack projects with III-208–III-211
Final Cut Pro installer disc IV-336
Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format II-244, IV-65,
IV-129, IV-153–IV-160