Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1283

background image


Part II


To open the Controls tab for a template clip in a sequence:


In the Timeline, move the playhead over the template clip item you want to modify.

Note: This step is not necessary, but it allows you to view changes to your template in
the Canvas while you work in the Viewer.


Double-click the template clip item to open it in the Viewer.


In the Viewer, click the Controls tab.

Tip: Holding down the Command and Option keys after you begin dragging a master
template from the Viewer to the Timeline or Canvas causes the newly created template
clip to open automatically in the Viewer with the Controls tab active. This allows you to
immediately customize the template clip parameters after it is edited into your
sequence. This shortcut also works for generator clips.

Note: Holding down the Command and Option keys before dragging in a window
causes the whole window to move with the pointer. To avoid this when working with
master templates, make sure to start dragging a master template first and then hold
down Command and Option.

Modifying Text

You can change text in a template clip by entering text in any available text parameters.

Note: When you create a Motion template file that uses more than one font or font
style within a Motion track, the fonts appear as expected in Final Cut Pro. However, if
you make changes to the text within a Final Cut Pro template clip, the text is limited to
a single font and font style.

Modifying Video and Still-Image Content

You can replace video footage or a still image in a template clip by dragging a clip from
the Browser to a clip well in the Controls tab of the Viewer. The template clip uses the
dragged clip’s In and Out points, so you can determine where a clip begins by setting
its In point before dragging it to the clip well.

To replace video footage or a still image in a template clip:


Open a clip in the Viewer that you want to use as a source clip in the template clip,
then set clip In and Out points if necessary.


Double-click a template clip to open it in the Viewer, then click the Controls tab.


Drag the source clip from the Browser or Viewer to a clip well in the Controls tab of
the Viewer.


A clip well only uses a clip’s original media file. Any filters, motion

parameters, or speed changes applied to a clip are ignored when it is dragged to a
clip well. Only clips that refer to a single media file can be used; merged files and
multiclips are not supported.