Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1986

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match cuts II-335
match frame editing IV-462
media management and IV-15
montages II-241
Multiclip Playback mode II-276–II-278
multiclips II-244, II-269, II-277
multiple clips II-138–II-139
non–Final Cut Pro systems IV-65
nonlinear and nondestructive I-21
nonlinear editing IV-18, IV-464
offline/online editing IV-18, IV-57–IV-59, IV-464
overwrite editing IV-465
overwrite edits II-139–II-141, II-148, II-153–II-155,
overwrite with transition edits II-149, II-154–
II-155, II-375
performing II-237–II-240
preferences IV-309
presets IV-331
preview editing IV-199
previewing edits IV-214
razor blade edits IV-467
replace edits II-149, II-156–II-162, IV-468
resize edits II-350–II-351, II-399, II-405, IV-468
ripple edits II-201–II-202, II-326–II-329, II-366,
II-407, IV-468
roll edits II-334–II-339, II-366, II-399, II-406, IV-468
rough cut I-19
rough edit II-91–II-93
rough editing IV-469
sequence clips II-429
sequences II-425
short edits IV-440
shuffle edits II-194–II-195, IV-470, IV-473
slide edits II-318–II-321, IV-471
slip edits II-117, II-309, II-321–II-325, IV-471
split edits II-231–II-234, II-237–II-240, II-286,
II-313–II-314, II-332, IV-472
straight edits II-207
streamlining EDL exports IV-148–IV-150
subclips and II-41
superimpose edits II-127, II-149, II-162–II-164,
III-389, IV-473
swap edits. See shuffle edits
switching and cutting between angles II-270–
system components I-161
three-point editing II-95, IV-474
through edits I-127, II-210, IV-148
with timecode II-351
timecode in media files II-446–II-450
transferring projects IV-66
trim edits II-299–II-300, II-341–II-342, II-347–
II-348, II-354
types noted in EDLs IV-132
types of edits II-145–II-149

undoing and redoing actions II-94
video latency and I-230
to videotape IV-209–IV-215
videotape editing methods IV-197–IV-200
without In and Out points II-170
XML interchange files IV-157

Editing mode IV-202, IV-213
editing systems IV-140
Editing tab II-369, IV-309
editing timebase IV-361, IV-363, IV-371
Edit Marker dialog II-60, II-64, II-68
Edit Overlay I-91, I-93, II-147, IV-202
edit points III-556

AIFF files and III-185
described IV-456

edit points, moving to I-96
edit points. See In and Out points
Edit Selection tool II-174, II-345
Edit to Tape operations III-640

aborting IV-193
assemble editing IV-210–IV-211
described IV-456
device control and IV-194, IV-209
external monitors and I-222–I-225
insert editing IV-199, IV-212–IV-215
mastering settings IV-205
output options I-224
outputting multichannel audio IV-216–IV-218
overview IV-190
preview editing IV-199
problems with IV-441
requirements IV-200
steps in IV-209–IV-215
troubleshooting IV-441

Edit to Tape window I-79, I-94, IV-201–IV-205
EDL Access application IV-140
EDL Export dialog IV-133, IV-135–IV-139
EDL Import dialog IV-142
EDL Notes setting IV-139
EDLs (Edit Decision Lists)

audio clip information III-199
clip names IV-143
described I-310, IV-129, IV-456
editing considerations IV-148–IV-150
effects and IV-135
elements of IV-131–IV-133
errors during export IV-134
exporting IV-134, IV-135–IV-139
exporting audio information to III-199
exporting for online editing IV-58
exporting sequences as IV-134
export transition codes IV-151–IV-152
Final Cut Pro support I-22
formats IV-135, IV-148
importing IV-140–IV-143
improving IV-148–IV-150