Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1992

background image



“gearing down” II-193, II-344, IV-458
general preferences II-73
General tab II-73, IV-304
generator clips

adding to a sequence III-447–III-454
creating III-453
described I-74, IV-458
dragging to clip controls III-230
fonts and III-472–III-476
included with Final Cut Pro III-474–III-476
keyframe controls III-291
selecting I-88
settings I-79
text generators III-471, III-474–III-476
titling generators III-474–III-476
Y´CbCr color space and IV-29

Generator pop-up menu I-76, I-88
generators. See generator clips
generic edits in EDLs IV-138
genlocking devices I-179, IV-308, IV-347

audio devices I-201, I-304
genlock connectors I-200
professional equipment I-200
video interfaces I-184

GIF files IV-234
GIF format I-316
Glossary IV-445–IV-480
Good option (Logging tab) I-251, I-261
Good property IV-39, IV-45
good shots, marking I-261
Good Take label II-206
Go to In Point button IV-203
Go to Next Edit button II-361
Go to Out Point button IV-203
Go to Previous Edit button II-361
Gradient generator III-451
Gradient Wipe transition II-390, II-392, IV-152

See also still images
adding camera motion to III-379–III-385
alpha channels III-376, III-410
bit depth III-370
broadcast video and III-375
computer vs. video III-375
distorted III-371–III-374
duration of III-378–III-379
enlarging low-resolution graphics clips III-369
exporting QuickTime-compatible formats IV-247
file formats IV-234
flattening layers III-376, III-380
graphics clips IV-32
graphics overlays IV-157
importing I-316, I-328
line art III-376
in low-resolution sequences IV-62
overview III-365

Photoshop files III-407
pixels and III-369–III-374
real-time playback III-632
resolution III-369–III-371
scaling III-370
space requirements I-210
still images IV-285–IV-289
still image sequences IV-287
as titles III-480
video output and III-371–III-374

graphics cards I-176, I-226, III-633, III-669
gray, neutral III-580, III-589
grayscale backgrounds III-609
Green Screen filter III-246, III-427
green screening IV-449
grouping multiclips II-253
Group Selection tool II-175, II-177
GVG 4 Plus format IV-145


Handle Length options III-198
handles I-258, I-276

audio clips III-188, III-198
Bezier handles III-308, III-315, IV-449
clip handles II-99, II-374, II-398
deleting IV-96
described III-198, IV-458
device control presets IV-353
drag handles II-397
duplicate frame detection and IV-310
options for III-198
velocity handles III-318, III-319
voiceover clips III-152
wireframes III-276, III-278–III-285

Handle Size field IV-142, IV-310, IV-353
hard disks

batch capture space requirements I-276
calculating space needs I-210
data transfer rates I-208–I-215
deleting items from IV-95
digital media storage I-217
EDLs and IV-144
fragmentation IV-440
heat buildup I-212
managing render files III-672
Media Manager summary IV-91
multiple disks I-207
naming I-39
problems with IV-439
removable media I-209
seek time I-209, I-213
selecting I-212
space required for projects I-209–I-211
speed of III-625
spindle speed I-209, I-213