Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1937

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Digital-8 A standard definition consumer digital video format that records a DV video
signal onto Hi-8-style tapes.

Digital Betacam A standard definition digital videotape recorder format with
approximately 2:1 video data compression and 4:2:2 color sampling. Supports four
tracks of audio with 20-bit, 48 kHz audio sampling.

digital full scale The full audio signal range that can be recorded digitally
without distortion.

Digital-S See D9.

digital video Video that can be captured, manipulated, and stored using a digital
format, such as QuickTime. A digital video camcorder, for example, is a video camera
that records images digitally on a medium such as tape. Because the signal is digital, it
can be easily transferred to your computer.

digitize To convert an analog video signal into a digital video format. A method of
capturing video. See also capture.

disabled track A track that has had its Track visibility control disabled. Disabled tracks
will not output to tape or be rendered into a QuickTime file for output.

disclosure triangle A small triangle you click to show or hide details in the interface.

distort To change the shape of a clip by moving a corner point independently of the
other corner points. Also, to squeeze a clip horizontally or vertically to change the ratio
of its width to its height (the aspect ratio).

D1 A standard definition digital videotape recorder format that records an 8-bit
uncompressed component video signal with 4:2:2 color sampling. Recorded using
19 mm tape. Supports four tracks of audio.

D2 A standard definition digital videotape recorder format that records an 8-bit
uncompressed composite video signal with 4Fsc color sampling. Recorded using
19 mm tape. Supports four tracks of audio.

D3 A standard definition digital videotape recorder format that records an 8-bit
uncompressed composite video signal with 4Fsc color sampling. Recorded using
1/2 inch tape. Supports four tracks of audio.

D5 A standard definition digital videotape recorder format that records a 10-bit
uncompressed component video signal with 4:2:2 color sampling. Recorded using
1/2 inch tape. Supports four tracks of audio.

D9 Also known as Digital-S. A standard definition digital videotape recorder format
that records an 8-bit, 3.3:1 DCT compressed component video signal with 4:2:2 color
sampling. Recorded using 1/2-inch tape. Supports four tracks of audio.