About surround sound audio, P. 273), Adding chapter and – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1756: Compression markers to your sequence

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Chapter 19

Exporting Sequences for DVD



Adding Chapter and Compression Markers to Your Sequence

Once you have finished editing your sequence or program, you can add markers to the
sequence for use on DVD. Markers are reference points you can place within clips or
sequences that identify specific frames. There are three kinds of markers that relate to
authoring a DVD:

 Chapter markers: These allow DVD authoring applications to create a navigable

chapter list for your exported QuickTime movie. Chapter markers force the creation
of MPEG I-frames at their location, because the DVD specification requires an I-frame
at each chapter point.

 Compression markers: Also known as manual compression markers—these are

markers you can add to a sequence or clip to indicate when Compressor or
DVD Studio Pro should generate an MPEG I-frame during compression. For more
information, see the documentation included with Compressor and DVD Studio Pro.

 Edit/Cut markers: Also known as automatic compression markers—these markers

are automatically generated by Final Cut Pro at each cut or transition point in a
sequence. During compression, Compressor uses these markers to generate
MPEG I-frames at these points, improving compression quality.

About Surround Sound Audio

Surround sound audio usually consists of six independent audio channels: front left,
front right, front center, rear left, rear right, and low-frequency effects (LFE, also
known as the subwoofer).

Mixing audio for use as surround sound is best left to specialized audio facilities that
have the required equipment and experience. Nothing can ruin a movie quite like
badly done surround sound audio. If you are using an audio post-production facility
for your final audio mix, you can use the Export Audio to OMF command to export
all of the audio from your edited sequence. For more information, see Volume III,
Chapter 10, “Exporting Audio for Mixing in Other Applications.”

If you decide to mix your own surround sound audio, you can export suitable audio
files from Final Cut Pro that an AC-3 encoder can use to create a surround sound
audio stream. One method is to export four audio files: one for the front right and
left, one for the center (usually dialogue), one for the rear right and left, and one for
the LFE (usually a mix of all of the audio channels, with the AC-3 encoder filtering out
the high frequencies to include only the low frequencies).