Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 661

To do a ripple edit in the Timeline:
Select the Ripple tool in the Tool palette (or press the R key twice).
Select a clip item’s In or Out point by clicking near the clip item boundary.
The Ripple tool changes direction to indicate which clip item boundary you are about
to select. If linked selection is on, the edit points of linked clip items are also selected.
For more information, see “
Selecting Edits and Clips to Trim
Do one of the following:
 Press [ (left bracket) to move the selected edit point one frame earlier in the clip.
 Press ] (right bracket) to move the selected edit point one frame later in the clip.
Note: You can also press Shift-[ or Shift-] to move the selected edit point five frames at
a time. The number of frames can be adjusted in the Multi-Frame Trim Size field in the
Editing tab of the User Preferences window.
 Type + (plus) or – (minus) followed by the number of frames to add or subtract from
the current edit, then press Return.
 Drag the edit point to lengthen or shorten the clip in the sequence. Pay attention to
the clip boundary previewed in the Timeline.
While you adjust the clip with the Ripple tool, the Canvas shows a two-up display with
the Out point of the outgoing clip item on the left and the In point of the incoming
clip item on the right (see also “
About the Two-Up Display in the Canvas
Edit point being trimmed
The Out point of this clip
is being adjusted.
The In point of this clip
stays the same and is
not adjusted.