Example:transitioning to or from black, Example: transitioning to or from black – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

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Chapter 21

Adding Transitions



Example: Transitioning to or from Black

A fade to black is really just a cross dissolve from a clip to black. In Final Cut Pro, you
can add black to the Timeline by adding a slug, which is a built-in Final Cut Pro video
generator. It’s often better to have an actual black clip to trim or adjust as needed.
However, you can create a cross dissolve from a clip to a gap for a similar effect.


Fading to black by creating a cross dissolve from a clip to a gap works only

if there are no other video tracks with clips beneath the gap.

To fade to or from black:


Add a cross dissolve transition to one of the following:

 The beginning of the first clip in your sequence
 The end of the last clip in your sequence
 The beginning or end of any clip with a gap on one or both sides

For more information, see “

Adding Transitions to Clips in Your Sequence

” on

page 377.

If the transition starts at the
beginning of the sequence,
you’ll see a fade from black.

If the transition is placed

at the end of the last clip,

you’ll see a fade to black.