P. 184) – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 517

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Part II

Rough Editing


Choose which tracks to search from the Where pop-up menu.

 All Tracks: Search all tracks in the sequence.
 Auto Select Tracks: Search only tracks with Auto Select enabled.
 From In to Out: Search between the sequence In and Out points on all tracks.


To search, do one of the following:

 Click Find to find the item.

Final Cut Pro finds the first item that matches the selected criteria from the current
position of the playhead
to the end of the sequence. It does not find clips that begin
before the position of the playhead, nor does it wrap around to the beginning of the
sequence. If a clip name is matched, the clip is selected.

 Click Find All to find all clip items that match the search criteria.

All clip items that are found are selected in the Timeline. When a marker is found, the
playhead is positioned at the nearest marker after the playhead.

To cycle through items in the Timeline that match the search criteria:


Follow the steps above, then choose Edit > Find Next (or press Command-G or F3).

To search for an item backward from the position of the playhead:


Follow the steps above, then press Shift-F3.

Selecting a Vertical Range Between In and Out Points

When you want to copy, move, or cut a selection of content that ranges vertically
across multiple tracks, a quick method is to select it by setting In and Out points.

To select clip items between sequence In and Out points:


Set In and Out points in either the Canvas or the Timeline.