Problems importing edl files, Settings and options in the edl import dialog – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1625

When you import an EDL, a sequence is created in your current project tab, along with
a bin that contains master clips for the clips in the sequence.
Note: When you import a Sony 5000 EDL, the title of the created sequence is “Untitled”.
Settings and Options in the EDL Import Dialog
This section describes the options in the EDL Import dialog.
 Select Preset: This determines the settings of the newly created sequence and the
clips within that sequence. Usually, you should choose a sequence preset that
corresponds to the format of your source tapes that you plan to recapture from.
 Import For: Choose an option from the pop-up menu.
 Recapture: Choose this option if you’re importing an EDL from a tape-to-tape
linear editing system or a non-QuickTime standard nonlinear editing system. This
makes the recaptured clip names unique and adds handles before and after the
clips during capture. You can change the handle size.
 Reconnect: Choose this option if you already have the media files on disk and
simply want to link the sequence to them. This is useful if you’ve imported an EDL
and also transferred QuickTime media files to your editing system. This option
keeps clip names in the same order to make relinking easier. You cannot create
handles if you are reconnecting media, since no new media is being created.
 Custom: Choose this option to specify handle size and unique clip names.
 Handle Size: Specify the number of additional frames you want to capture on either
side of each clip. You should always add handles when recapturing media from an
imported EDL because it gives you more flexibility for trimming edit points, adding
dissolves, and so on.
Note: You cannot set handles when you choose Reconnect since the media files are
already on your disk and are not being captured.
 Make File Names Unique: Select this option if you are recapturing clips so no two
media files have the same name. Deselect this option if you are reconnecting to
media files that are already on disk.
Problems Importing EDL Files
If you’re having a problem importing an EDL file, check the format of the text file.
Final Cut Pro does not support importing RTF text files. If you have an RTF file you
need to import, open it in a text editing application like TextEdit, and save it as a plain
text document.