Calibrating video monitors with color bars – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1326

Chapter 26
Measuring and Setting Video Levels
Using Color Bars to Adjust Brightness and Color
on Analog Equipment
Broadcast video professionals use color bars to calibrate the output of analog video
devices such as:
 Playback VTRs used for capturing analog video into your editing system
 Your video editing system’s video interface analog output (for output to analog video)
 Playback VTRs used for dubbing tapes to VHS
Typically, 30 to 60 seconds of color bars is recorded at the beginning of each new
videotape shot in the field. Color bars from a professional camcorder are used to
calibrate the on-location video monitor used to watch what’s being shot, so that
adjustments for brightness or color temperature made to the camcorder are made
accurately. Later, the color bars recorded at the head of each source tape are used to
calibrate the clip settings in Final Cut Pro. If you don’t have color bars on your tape, see
Adjusting Capture Settings on Source Tapes Without Color Bars
Each source tape should be individually calibrated because tapes from various
camcorders may have slightly different settings, and because even a single camcorder
may have fluctuated slightly over the course of the production.
Calibrating Video Monitors with Color Bars
Videographers don’t rely on the viewfinder of a camcorder to adjust the image being
recorded. Viewfinders and camcorder LCD displays are often too small and have color
fidelity that’s too inaccurate to ensure proper focus, brightness, and color adjustments.
Instead, a properly calibrated video monitor can be set up on location to monitor the
video during shooting.
Similarly, editors and broadcast designers shouldn’t rely on an uncalibrated monitor
when making crucial adjustments to the color and brightness of their movie footage.
Instead, it’s important to use a calibrated broadcast monitor to ensure that any
adjustments made to exposure and color quality are accurate.